Peer Review Process
All manuscripts submitted to Al-Qadim: Journal of Tafsir and Tafsir Studies must adhere to the focus, scope, and author guidelines of this journal. The submitted manuscripts must have scientific merit or novelty that is appropriate to the focus and scope. All manuscripts must be free from plagiarism. All authors are encouraged to use plagiarism detection software to check for similarity. The Editors will check for plagiarism in articles submitted to this journal using Plagiarism Checker software.
Research articles submitted to this journal will be reviewed by at least 2 (two) or more expert reviewers. The articles will be sent to peer reviewers for a Double-Blind Peer Review Process and will be returned to the authors for revision. Reviewers provide valuable scientific comments to improve the content of the manuscript. All manuscripts are subject to peer review, and authors can expect a decision, or an explanation for any delay, within two months of submission. The corresponding author should submit the revised manuscript within two weeks if a revision is requested. The Principal Editors will make the final decision based on the information obtained through the peer-review process.
As explained in publication ethics, we ensure that the reviewed manuscript is treated confidentially before publication.
The final decision on article acceptance will be made by the Editors based on reviewers' comments. The publication of accepted articles, including the sequence of published articles, will be determined by the Editor in Chief, considering the order of acceptance date, geographical distribution of authors, and thematic issues.